Hvis man vil blive god til et sprog, er det allervigtigste at tale det.
Her er en række sjove spørgsmål, som I kan bruge som udgangspunkt for små samtaler på engelsk. I kan klippe dem ud og skiftes til at trække et spørgsmål - eller I kan bruge dem som kort i et brætspil eller som poster på et forhindringsløb. Der er også en liste med “challenges”, som også kan inddrages i engelsk-spil, og som er gode til at aktivere børn, der ikke kan sidde stille og snakke så lang tid af gangen.
Vær opmærksom på, at det vigtigste er, at barnet får kommunikeret på engelsk så meget som muligt.
Det er derfor en god ide ikke at rette barnet for meget. Det er langt bedre at sige noget ukorrekt, end ikke at sige noget.
Hvis der er en særlig type ord eller formulering, I træner for tiden, så ret dette, men lad være med at rette de andre fejl - ellers risikerer I, at barnet begynder kun at sige noget, hvis det er sikker på, at det er rigtigt.
Når først glæden ved at bruge sproget er der, kan I stille og roligt begynde at hjælpe barnet med at få et mere korrekt sprogbrug - et område af gangen.
What would you do if…
You were transported 50 years back in time?
Someone offered you 100 kr. to sing in front of a hundred people?
The earth was invaded by aliens?
You saw a ghost?
You woke up one day and had wings?
You found the skeleton of a dinosaur?
You won the lottery?
You were in the zoo and a dangerous animal had escaped?
Your parents wanted to send you to a boarding school in another country?
You found a thousand kr. on the street?
You became the president of your country?
Your teacher turned out to be a witch?
You got lost in the desert?
Everybody else had fallen asleep and couldn't wake up?
You had super strength?
Would you rather...
Go on an expedition in space or under the sea?
Eat a food you hate once a week, or never have your favorite food again?
Be able do magic or to fly
Never need to sleep or never need to eat?
Have a food fight or a water fight?
Only get to see your family once a year or have to live with your entire family in one room?
Be a police man or a firefighter?
Shave your head or dye your hair orange?
Be famous or rich?
Be a giant mouse or a tiny elephant?
Be the funniest person alive or the smartest person alive?
Travel the world by boat or by hot air balloon?
Live somewhere where it’s always freezing or always super hot?
Have snakes instead of hair or hooves instead of feet?
Live inside of your favorite book or your favorite movie?
Jump around like a frog for 20 seconds.
Balance a ball on your head for 10 second.
Spin in a circle for 15 seconds.
Sing a song as loud as you can.
Stuff bread in your mouth and sing the ABC’s.
Keep a straight face while the others try to make you laugh.
Pick up a ball from the floor without using your hands.
Balance on one leg for 30 seconds.
Hold your breath for 20 seconds.
Draw a mustache on your face.
Draws a picture using your toes.
Do 10 sit-ups.
Skip the rope 20 times.
Have someone else throw water at you.
Pretend to be a dog.
Dance like a chicken.
Try to do a handstand.
Write a text using your nose only.
Jump backwards 15 times.
Throw a ball in the air and catch it. Repeat 10 times.